Tim at Mass in Cal Poly Pomona

Created by austinmath 11 years ago
My name is Austin Cambon, and I've only known Tim through the Newman Club at Cal Poly Pomona, mostly through mass on Sundays. Tim was the Eucharistic Minister every Sunday. I am the Spiritual Chair of the Newman Club, so I take the mass kit on weekends to set up for mass. Whenever I couldn't do it, Tim ALWAYS did it. Tim was especially helpful when I had to go home almost every weekend in October 2011. On the Sundays I was there, Tim waited for the mass kit and then we set up for mass. After mass, Tim stayed with me afterwards to put everything away. I forgot to mention Tim also had the readings and the Responsorial Psalm set for the day. Tim not only attended mass every Sunday, but also many of the club meetings and events. He was also knowledgeable about the Catholic Faith. Whenever we played the Catholic Jeopardy game, he knew most of the answers. Finally, I will not forget his laugh. To be honest, I never noticed his laugh until Saturday, February 25th 2012 when we were at Applebee's, having a go-away party for Fr. John. Tim's laugh really sounded like "he he he." It was a very happy and joyful laugh he had. Tim, you may be gone physically, but you still remain in our hearts and memories. I know you're in a better place, but I'm really going to miss you. Especially this coming school year, when I set up for mass, I will miss having you set up with me. I will also miss having you take the mass kit whenenver I couldn't do it, and I will miss seeing you be the Eucharistic Minister. Austin Cambon Spiritual Chair Cal Poly Pomona Catholic Newman Club