An Old Friend who Won at Life

Created by johnnylcnewnes 11 years ago
As I start to write this story for Timothy, my eyes fill tears. And yet, through those tears I see nothing but Timothy's smiling face at age 5, age 8, age 14. I think this is an important point to reflect on. Despite my sadness at his passing, only the memory of the brightness of Timothy's spirit is what comes to mind along with the great times we shared together in our elementary and middle school years. My name is Johnny Newnes. Timothy and I were enrolled in St. Hedwig's Catholic School together when we were both just 4 years old. I spent the next 9 years of my life going through our classes together, playing games at recess with all the other kids, and going to church on Sundays with our families. Timothy and I were never especially close. Meaning, I never considered him my best friend. However, he was always a friend; someone I knew I could trust, someone I knew would be nice to me when everyone else would not be. And I believe, I hope, that Timothy felt the same way about me. Timothy was someone who was perpetually happy and positive. It didn't really matter what was going on in his life, good or bad, he always found the silver lining in everything. He was one of the few who could always find the good in everything even at such a young age, a talent that I feel takes a lot of time and a lot of effort to be developed. I always respected him for this. We spent 9 years in school together, so there are a lot memories floating around in my mind's eye at the moment and it is difficult to pinpoint just one. However, the strongest one that comes to mind comes from our 8th grade year, the last year that I ever went to school with Timothy. I don't know if any St. Hewigians from our graduating 2005 year remember this, but that year we had a Spanish project where we worked in teams to create a huge presentation of the culture and the food of a Spanish speaking country. Timothy and I paired up and did the Dominican Republic. I'll never forget the night where he came over to my house and with the help of my Italian mother, we tried our hand at making food from the Dominican Republic. It was pretty difficult, but Timothy and I had such a blast joking around and trying to do Spanish accents as we cooked. We were putting in work, but having fun, something we all strive to do in life. For Timothy, this was simple and natural, and that inspires me. I am devestated by Timothy's passing. Our birthday's were only 6 days apart, mine on February 28th, his on March 5th. It's humbling to reflect on my age and realize how much life I have ahead of me, life that Timothy does not. However, I have always believed that it is not the length of time we have, but what we do with that time that truly matters. I believe that Timothy spent all the time he had doing nothing but good. He brought joy and happiness to people. His smile still dances through our memories and our hearts. And in that way, I feel that Timothy truly won at life. Timothy, you will be missed my dear friend. Riposa in Pace. Love, Johnny Newnes